Gay sex scenes from movies

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Protis added, “The studio has agreed to provide a special Delta edit that retains the LGBTQ+ love scenes in both ‘Booksmart’ and ‘Rocketman’ that will be on our flights as soon as possible. We are working to make sure this doesn’t happen again,” Protis said. We selected the edited version and now realize content well within our guidelines was unnecessarily excluded from both films. “Studios often provide videos in two forms: a theatrical, original version and an edited version. (“Booksmart” was released by Annapurna, and “Rocketman” from Paramount.) 'Don't Worry Darling' CinemaCon: Florence Pugh's Suburban Spiral into Insanity Involves Steamy Kitchen SexĮmmy Predictions: Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy SeriesĮmmy Predictions: Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy SeriesĪccording to Protis, the cut scenes were not the decision of the airline, which will work with the films’ studios to restore the slashed scenes. 'Don't Worry Darling' Trailer: Florence Pugh and Harry Styles Steam Up Suburbia

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